Yvonne Daughtery
I am Yvonne Daugherty and I am one of the founding members of The Apple of His Eye Apostolic Ministries, Inc. I have been a member for 18 years and have served in many capacities. I have served as Armor bearer, secretary, financial officers, pastor aid and intercessor. At the present time I serve as a trainer to the Pastor’s Aid committee and several other ministries within The Apple of His Eye Apostolic Ministries, Inc. I am the mother of 3 grown children, 1 son and 2 daughters, grandmother of 8 and great grandmother of 2. I love serving and sharing the gospel with others and offering my services to ensure my pastor is taken care of in all areas of her life as well as serving the public.
Transparency Moment
I was raised as a PK (Preacher’s Kid) from a family of 13. I was very shy and quiet during my childhood years. I also was very naïve and did not have a lot of social skills. One day when I was 16 years old, a friend of one of my older brothers offered me a ride home. I accepted, never thinking about being in danger. However, that day my life was turned upside down. Instead of me going straight home, he took me to a deserted area of town and raped me. He warned me not to tell anybody. I was frightened and believed if I did tell anybody he would follow through on his threats. However, that event turned me into an incredibly angry person. I plotted for years how I would get him back for what he had done to me. I carried this anger and humiliation within me well into my adult years. It took the salvation of Jesus Christ, much deliverance and teachings on love and forgiveness to give me a peace of mind and to be able to release this person from my heart. This is just a small part of my life’s story and I pray I will be able to use what God has done for me to help somebody else who is experiencing hurt and unforgiveness.